JSteam Excel Interface: JSteam Excel Add In
The JSteam Excel Interface is designed to provide a user-friendly way to access the thermodynamic and modelling functionality provided by JSteam within Excel. The software is currently used internationally in a variety of industries and includes the following functionality:
- High speed water and steam thermodynamic functions such as Enthalpy, Entropy, Heat Capacity, Volume, Temperature, Pressure, and Quality valid up to 500 bar and 2000°C.
- General component thermodynamics and transport functions for a range of hydrocarbons and refrigerants, using REFPROP.
- A wide range of steady-state utility unit operations such as multi-stage steam turbines and compressors, pumps and boilers, gas turbines and heat exchangers.
- Customizable units, work with values most suitable to your industry.
- Full multi-threaded support for parallel calculations using Excel.
- Full help manual with getting started guide, and detailed step-by-step tutorials.
See the Installation Guide below to jump in and download JSteam Excel!
Getting Started
Further Reading
Some screenshots of the interface and sample models:
Modelling an Ideal Steam Rankine Cycle
Modelling an Organic Rankine Cycle Power Plant
User Interface