The idea of SymBuilder (Symbolic Builder) is to take an algebraic equation / symbolic orientated approach to building optimization problems in MATLAB. This page presents a brief introduction to SymBuilder and its core functionality.
The main benefits of using SymBuilder are:
- It will automatically identify what type of problem you are solving (LP/QP/NLP), regardless of how you enter the problem (i.e. no need for vectors/matrices for LP/QP, equations are fine).
- If solving a nonlinear problem, it will automatically generate full analytical first and second derivatives for use by the optimizer, including sparsity patterns.
- If full analytical derivatives are too expensive to evaluate, SymBuilder can generate a C++ model and automatically compile it against CppAD to generate automatic derivatives.
- Nonlinear models can be automatically converted to MATLAB code, C code or C++ code, including MEX file interfaces, where applicable.
- By maintaining a Symbolic version of your model, the problem is automatically symbolically simplified by the Symbolic Toolbox.
There are some drawbacks: it can be slow on large problems, it requires you to re-write your model and it requires the Symbolic Toolbox, however generally I find it performs well.
Note If you get an error message similar to "Undefined function 'symb_cb'..."
when using SymBuilder, then try type rehash
at the MATLAB command line. This will force MATLAB to find any recently generated callback functions.
Example 1: Creating a SymBuilder Object
The SymBuilder object is created with no input arguments:
B = SymBuilder();
or if you want to control the verbosity level, with a single input boolean
Bs = SymBuilder(false);
where false
suppresses all SymBuilder information messages, and true
(the default) prints all messages.
Both objects created above are empty and ready to accept a problem definition. The object is designed so that the problem is entered with minimal pre-processing done as the problem is entered (for efficiency), and then finally when it is 'Built' (see the end of this example), it constructs the complete optimization problem.
Adding an Objective
To add an objective to the model, use the AddObj
method. The objective equation is supplied as a string, or a Symbolic Toolbox symbolic variable expression.
B.AddObj('-6*x1 -5*x2')
% Add as a Symbolic Expression
x = sym('x',[2 1]); %define symbolic variables
By default SymBuilder always minimizes the objective function. If you supply the equation as a string you do not need to identify the variables, the method will automatically determine the optimization variables when the object is built.
Also note that the linear objective is just an example, the object can accept just about any objective function that the Symbolic Toolbox can understand.
Adding Constraints
Constraints are added using the AddCon
method. As with the objective, general constraints can be added as strings or symbolic expressions. When supplied as symbolic expressions, the constraint numerical upper and lower bounds (cl <= c(x) <= cu) must be supplied as the 2nd and 3rd arguments.
B.AddCon('x1 + 4*x2 <= 16');
B.AddCon('6*x1 + 4*x2 <= 28')
% Add as Symbolic Expressions with specified cl, cu
Bs.AddCon(x(1) + 4*x(2),-Inf,16);
Bs.AddCon(6*x(1) + 4*x(2),-Inf,28)
Note that using both methods, double sided constraints can also be declared. For equality constraints, use "="
for a string, and set cl
= cu
for symbolic expressions. It is also possible to add a vector symbolic expression.
As with the objective, the linear constraints above are just an example. Quadratic and nonlinear constraints are fine as well.
Adding Rectangular Bounds
Rectangular bounds can be added in three ways: 1) individually per variable, 2) as a vectorized expression, or 3) as symbolic variables with individual lb and ub specified.
B.AddBound('0 <= x1 <= 10');
B.AddBound('0 <= x2 <= 10')
% Method 2) Vectorized, 'x' is recognised as belonging to all 'xn' variables
B.AddBound('0 <= x <= 10');
% Method 3) As a symbolic variable vector with numerical bounds
If you declare bounds on a variable multiple times, the last declaration will be used.
Building the SymBuilder Object
There are two methods available for turning the templated object into an optimization problem; Draft
which computes just 1st derivatives, and Build
which computes both 1st and 2nd derivatives. Build
is useful for small problems, or when you want to attempt to identify a quadratic problem. Draft
is useful when the problem is linear (as in this one), or when generating Symbolic 2nd Derivatives is too expensive.
At this point SymBuilder has automatically determined the type of problem entered, and is ready to construct an (internal) OPTI object to solve the problem. The automatic identification step will identify all OPTI problems excluding NLS/SNLE/SDP.
Solving the Symbuilder Object
Once built (or drafted), call the Solve
method to automatically generate the internal OPTI object and solve the problem.
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B)
Note if solving a nonlinear problem you must supply x0
as the second argument to Solve
. For the above example, we are solving a simple linear program, thus x0
is not required.
Example 2: Mixed Integer Quadratic Program
As stated, SymBuilder does not just work for linear programs, it was in fact designed for NLPs, including integer variants. The following is a MIQP, automatically constructed and solved with SymBuilder:
B = SymBuilder();
% Add Quadratic Objective
B.AddObj('0.5*x1^2 + 0.5*x2^2 + 0.5*x3^2 - 2*x1 - 3*x2 - x3');
% Add Linear Constraints
B.AddCon('x1 + x2 + x3 <= 1');
B.AddCon('3*x1 - 2*x2 - 3*x3 <= 1');
B.AddCon('x1 - 3*x2 + 2*x2 <= 1');
% Add Integer Constraint (also possible with Symbolic Variables)
B.AddInteger('x2 = I');
% Build Object
% Solve Problem
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B)
Note SymBuilder correctly identified the problem as a MIQP, which we can see by examining the Built object:
SymBuilder Object
BUILT in 0.072s with:
- 3 variables
- 1 objective
- 0 linear
- 1 quadratic
- 0 nonlinear
- 3 constraint(s)
- 3 linear
- 0 quadratic
- 0 nonlinear
- 0 bound(s)
- 1 integer variable(s)
- 1 integer
- 0 binary
If we were to call Draft
instead of Build
, SymBuilder cannot establish that this is a quadratic program (by not being able to examine the second derivatives), and instead will treat it as a MINLP, which could be much less efficient.
Example 3: Adding Constants / Parameters
There may be instances when variables are actually constants (or parameters), but you don't want to hard-code the number into an equation string. To illustrate, consider the following MINLP:
B = SymBuilder();
% Add Nonlinear Objective with 2 Constants
% Add Linear Constraints
B.AddCon('-x1 + 2.5*x2 <= 1');
B.AddCon('x1 + 2.5*x2 <= -15');
% Add Integer Constraint (note also vectorized)
B.AddInteger('x = I');
In the above example, the objective function contains two constants, a1
and a2
. We know they are constants because we wrote the program, it is nothing to do with the choice of variable name! To tell SymBuilder that they are constants, and not variables (which it will assume by default), use the following commands:
If we now build the object, and examine the generated equations, we will see SymBuilder has substituted the constants into the objective function:
% Inspect resulting equations
>> cos((pi*x2)/16)*sin((pi*x1)/12)
2.5*x2 - x1
x1 + 2.5*x2
This technique allows you to add problem dependent parameters into common model equations.
Example 4: Adding Expressions
SymBuilder also allows you to use intermediate expressions when constructing objective or constraints. Using the same example problem as above, the below example combines both intermediate expressions and constants.
B = SymBuilder();
% Add Nonlinear Objective with 2 Intermediate Expressions
% Add Linear Constraints
B.AddCon('-x1 + 2.5*x2 <= 1');
B.AddCon('x1 + 2.5*x2 <= -15');
% Add Integer Constraint
B.AddInteger('x = I');
% Add Intemediate Variable Expressions (with Constants for this example)
B.AddExpression('e1 = pi*x1/a1');
B.AddExpression('e2 = pi*x2/a2');
% Define Constants
% Add Now Build It
This technique allows you to simplify long equations into a series of shorter, hopefully simpler equations.
Example 5: Displaying Results
Inspecting long solution variable vectors can be tedious and error prone, so SymBuilder allows the user to create 'Result Groups', and then add variables or expressions to display to the user once the object is solved.
To illustrate, consider the following (very) hypothetical vehicle routing problem:
B = SymBuilder(false);
% Add Quadratic Objective
B.AddObj('(x1-x2)^2 + (x2+x3-2)^2 + (x4-1)^2 + (x5-1)^2');
% Add Linear Constraints
B.AddCon('x1 + 3*x2 = 5');
B.AddCon('x3 + x4 - 2*x5 = 0');
B.AddCon('x2 - x5 = 0');
Obviously all our variables are called x1, x2, etc, however they represent more meaningful real quantities for this problem. To create variable groups and assign them, use AddResultGroup
and AddResultExp
B.AddResultGroup('A','Fuel Usage [l]');
B.AddResultGroup('B','Distance [km]');
% Add Result Expressions (Group:Name, Variable or Expression)
B.AddResultExp('A:Truck 1','x1');
B.AddResultExp('A:Truck 2','x2');
B.AddResultExp('B:Route 1','x3');
B.AddResultExp('B:Route 2','x4');
B.AddResultExp('B:Route 3','x5-x3'); %expressions with variables OK too
Now we will build the object, solve it, and call the Results
method to automatically display formatted results:
% Solve
Solve(B,[ 2.5 0.5 2 -1 0.5 ]);
% Display Formatted Results
SymBuilder Optimization Results
SOLVED in 0.00017777s
STATUS: Optimal
COST: 0.255814
A: Fuel Usage [l]
- Truck 1 = 1.4419
- Truck 2 = 1.186
B: Distance [km]
- Route 1 = 1.093
- Route 2 = 1.2791
- Route 3 = 0.093023
Example 6: Code Generation
A new feature in OPTI v2.10 is the ability to generate C or C++ code from a nonlinear SymBuilder model. While this functionality is basically just using the Symbolic Toolbox ccode
method, SymBuilder wraps it and automates the entire MEX file generation process.
To illustrate, consider the QCQP (treated for this example as an NLP) below:
B = SymBuilder();
B.AddObj('(x1-x2)^2 + (x2+x3-2)^2 + (x4-1)^2 + (x5-1)^2');
B.AddCon('x1^2 + 3*x2 = 4');
B.AddCon('x3 + x4 - 2*x5 = 0');
B.AddCon('x2 - x5 = 0');
% Draft Model
% Initial Guess
x0 = [ 2.5 0.5 2 -1 0.5 ];
Generating C-Code with Analytical Derivatives
To generate a C-code MEX file with analytical derivatives from the above model, simply set the callback mode ('cbmode'
) in symbset
as follows:
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B,x0,symbset('cbmode','ccode'))
The above code will generate a C source file of your optimization problem, automatically invoke the MEX compiler to compile the source to a dynamic library, then create and solve an optimization problem with the compiled library.
A few points to remember on the above:
- For large problems generating the C-code can take some time, but the execution of the code thereafter should be much faster than equivalent MATLAB code (of course always problem dependent).
- You must use Visual Studio or Windows SDK for compiling the file, LCC does not work.
Generating C++ Code with Automatic Derivatives
A neat new feature in SymBuilder is to exploit AD of a C++ version of your model. OPTI v2.10 includes CppAD as part of the distribution, and will automatically compile it into your model to generate all derivatives (sparse by default), including patterns. Simply change the callback mode:
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B,x0,symbset('cbmode','cppad'))
and SymBuilder will generate a C++ version of your model, automatically compile it against CppAD, then solve the optimization problem. For problems with particularly complex (dense) derivatives, AD can be an attractive option. Also note there is no point calling Build
on a model you are going to solve with CppAD, as it internally generates all derivatives (unless of course your model is actually quadratic, in which case CppAD would not be used).
A few points to remember on the above:
- Compiling large problems against CppAD can take a long time. This is due to CppAD being a template library, and the C++ optimizer appears to have a hard time optimizing the generated code. I am aware of this and working on a fix with the author of CppAD.
- You must use Visual Studio or Intel C++ to compile CppAD models, LCC and Windows SDK do not work.
What Does SymBuilder do by Default?
By default, SymBuilder's cbmode
is on auto
. This tries to make an intelligent guess at what would be the most effective callback mode, between mcode
and cppad
. For small or particularly sparse problems, mcode
is chosen, while for larger dense problems, cppad
is used (unless a suitable compiler is not available).
Oh - and if you're looking for the generated C/C++ source, SymBuilder automatically deletes it. If you would like to keep it, change the symbset
option 'srckeep'
to 'yes'
Example 7: Extracting Problem Data
If you want to extract the functions or data generated by SymBuilder, simply use GetLinProb
for LPs, GetQuadProb
for QP/QCQPs or GetNLProb
for NLPs to return an optiprob
structure with the problem data.
B = SymBuilder(false);
% Add Nonlinear Objective
% Add Linear Constraints
B.AddCon('-x1 + 2.5*x2 <= 1');
B.AddCon('x1 + 2.5*x2 <= -15');
% Build Object
% Get Nonlinear Problem Data
nlprob = GetNLProb(B)
Example 8: SymBuilder Options
SymBuilder uses the symbset
routine to control problem generation and solving. Use this routine to generate an options structure suitable for supplying to Solve
or GetNLProb
% Set Solver, Display to 'iter'
sopts = symbset('solver','clp','display','iter');
Example 9: optisym
is a simple API to allow users familiar with fmincon
type functions to use SymBuilder and leverage its functionality. Simply pass normal MATLAB functions to optisym
and it internally converts them to Symbolic Toolbox expressions and then to a SymBuilder object.
has the calling form:
As with normal SymBuilder models, if you pass a LP (even as function handle), optisym
will identify the problem as such and solve it as a LP. This provides a convenient method to simplifying suitable models and solving them as efficiently as possible.
Note as per standard SymBuilder functions, this API is only compatible with functions that the Symbolic Toolbox can understand and parse.
To illustrate, consider NLP Hock & Schittkowski #71
fun = @(x) x(1)*x(4)*sum(x(1:3)) + x(3);
% Nonlinear Constraint Function (cl <= con(x) <= cu)
con = @(x) [ prod(x);
cl = [25;40];
cu = [Inf;40];
% Bounds + x0
lb = ones(4,1);
ub = 5*ones(4,1);
x0 = [1 5 5 1]';
% Build OPTI Object
Opt = optisym(fun,x0,lb,ub,con,cl,cu)
% Solve
[x,fval,exitflag,info] = solve(Opt)
For more examples, see test_probs_sym.m
in Test Problems/Development.
Example 10: Draft
vs Build
In most of the previous examples we used the Build
command to generate our SymBuilder model. Build
takes the symbolic problem and generates both symbolic first and second derivatives, which can be very time consuming on large or dense problems. The generation of second derivatives can help an optimizer, but it may just not be worth the time waiting to generate them, and thus an approximation may be quicker (e.g. IPOPT can use an internal L-BFGS update).
To skip generating second derivatives, you can use the Draft
command instead. To illustrate, consider the following QCQP:
% Enter Objective
B.AddObj('(x1-x2)^2 + (x2+x3-2)^2 + (x4-1)^2 + (x5-1)^2');
% Add Constraints
B.AddCon('x1^2 + 3*x2 = 4');
B.AddCon('x3 + x4 - 2*x5 = 0');
B.AddCon('x2 - x5 = 0');
Now if we use Draft
we get:
SymBuilder Object
DRAFT in 0.023s with:
- 5 variables
- 1 objective
- 0 linear
- 1 nonlinear
- 3 constraint(s)
- 2 linear
- 1 nonlinear
- 0 bound(s)
- 0 integer variables(s)
versus Build
SymBuilder Object
BUILT in 0.095s with:
- 5 variables
- 1 objective
- 0 linear
- 1 quadratic
- 0 nonlinear
- 3 constraint(s)
- 2 linear
- 1 quadratic
- 0 nonlinear
- 0 bound(s)
- 0 integer variables(s)
Immediately we can see due to the generation of second derivatives, SymBuilder was able to determine we are solving a quadratically constrained quadratic program, rather than a general nonlinear program as found by Draft
. This can be a substantial performance increase when solved as a QCQP! Therefore if you suspect your problem is actually quadratic, Build
can render a more efficient problem definition, and one that does not require the generation of a callback function (the problem is stored as a collection of matrices and vectors).
However when using OPTI, NLP solvers are normally used for solving QCQPs, thus as described above, the time waiting for the extra second derivative information may not be worthwhile. Let's assume you just called Draft
, and therefore want to solve it as a NLP:
B = SymBuilder();
B.AddObj('(x1-x2)^2 + (x2+x3-2)^2 + (x4-1)^2 + (x5-1)^2');
B.AddCon('x1^2 + 3*x2 = 4');
B.AddCon('x3 + x4 - 2*x5 = 0');
B.AddCon('x2 - x5 = 0');
% Draft
% Solve
x0 = [ 2.5 0.5 2 -1 0.5 ];
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B,x0)
You will receive a warning indicating 2nd derivatives were not found and therefore not added to the callback function. This is because the default callback function mode is to include 2nd derivatives. To disable this warning, disable the need for 2nd derivatives:
[x,fval,ef,info] = Solve(B,x0,symbset('use2ndDerivs','no'))
This example shows that you can control how the derivatives are generated and used with a SymBuilder model. Normally I use Build
, however as shown in the next example, Draft
can be useful if using a global solver (which doesn't need derivatives) or a callback with automatic differentiation.
While the SymBuilder syntax is limited, being able to automatically generate exact first and second derivatives is quite attractive, especially on real problems. If generating the callback functions for nonlinear problems is taking too long, you can experiment with the various code-generation modes to see if an improvement can be found.
As an example how I used it in my work in steam utility optimization, I created a derived class from the SymBuilder object:
%SYMUTILITY Create a SYMUTILITY object for creating symbolic utility system optimization
then added a series of custom methods which expanded the SymBuilder object for modelling common steam system equipment, e.g.
%ADDWHB Add Waste Heat Boiler to Symbolic Builder Model [Duty Based]
% AddWHB(JStm,names,duty,bfwH,stmT,stmP,bdr,eff)
% names are {Unit Name,msteam,mbfw,h}
% eff is optional, defaults to 0.9
if(nargin < 9), eff = 0.9; end
%Thermo Calcs
WHB_H = JStm.HPT(stmP,stmT);
WHB_BDH = JStm.HPX(stmP,0);
WHB_eff = eff; %assume fixed efficiency
%Energy Balance
con1 = sprintf('%1.15g - %s = 0',(duty*WHB_eff)/...
(WHB_H + bdr*WHB_BDH - bfwH*(bdr + 1))*3.6,names{2});
%Mass Balance
con2 = sprintf('%s-(1+%1.15g)*%s = 0',names{3},bdr,names{2});
%Add To Model
B.AddConstant([names{1} '_Q'],duty);
B.AddConstant([names{1} '_Eff'],eff);
B.AddCon(con1); B.AddCon(con2);
B.AddResultExp(['F:' names{1}],names{2});
As shown above, you can use sprintf
to generate equations which can then be added to the SymBuilder object. The result of this approach is that I could create my optimization problem as:
% Turbo Generators
% Back Pressure Turbines
then finally at the end, call Build
, then Solve
, then Results
, and easily inspect my optimal solution!