Citing OPTI Toolbox

If you have found a particular solver to be useful in your research then we encourage you to cite the solver. You can find the suggested citations under each solver on the solvers page. However if you believe the OPTI Toolbox has been significant in your research as well, then use the citation below:

OPTI Citation

J. Currie and D. I. Wilson, "OPTI: Lowering the Barrier Between Open Source Optimizers and the Industrial MATLAB User," Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations, Georgia, USA, 2012

See the paper here.

Bibtex Entry:

  author = {Jonathan Currie and David I. Wilson},
  title = {{OPTI: Lowering the Barrier Between Open Source Optimizers and the
	    Industrial MATLAB User}},
  booktitle = {{Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations}},
  year = {2012},
  editor = {Nick Sahinidis and Jose Pinto},
  address = {Savannah, Georgia, USA},
  month = {8--11 January}