
Create or edit a jMPC options structure.


options = jMPCset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)
options = jMPCset
options = jMPCset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...)


The function jMPCset creates an options structure that you can pass to the jMPC constructor for advanced setup options for your MPC controller. This function will automatically fill in defaults for fields required to run an MPC simulation. The remainder of the fields will be set to [].

options = jMPCset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...) creates an MPC options structure called options, in which the specified parameters (param) have the specified values (value).

jMPCset with no input or output arguments displays a complete list of parameters with their valid values.

options = jMPCset with no input arguments creates a default options structure.

options = jMPCset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...) updates the existing options structure, oldopts, with the parameters and values specified in param and value.


For a complete list of solver options use

>> jMPCset


Create an options structure to use setpoint look ahead with jMPC's quad_wright as the QP solver:

options = jMPCset('Solver','quad_wright','LookAhead',1);