Solve the MPC Control Law for the optimal control input.
[delu,iter,t] = mpcsolve(jMPCobj,del_xm,u,old_u,setp,mdist,k,tstart)
[delu,iter,t] = mpcsolve(jMPCobj,del_xm,u,old_u,setp,mdist,k,tstart)
uses current and previous model states and plant inputs, together with the Quadratic Program stored within the jMPC
object, to solve for the next optimal control input increment, delu
. This function requires the jMPC object, jMPCobj
, the current state increment, del_xm
, previous plant input, u
, previous solution vector, old_u
, the current setpoint, setp
, the current measured disturbance, mdist
, the current simulation time step, k
, and the CPU time at which the function starts. The function returns a solution vector, del_u
, the number of iterations required by the QP Solver, and a vector of the times taken by the various components of the function.
Note this function is not intended to be called directly by the user.
Functional Overview
The function performs 4 steps at every sample of the simulation:
Step | Operation | Description |
1 | Update QP Right Hand Side | In the current toolbox implementation, both H & A remain constant, while f & b have constant and dynamic parts. The dynamic parts are a function of the current state, setpoint, and previous input, and thus must be updated at every sample. |
2 | Check Global Minimum | It is possible the global minimum (H\f ) is also the constrained minimum, thus to save computation time and increase efficiency, the global minimum is checked against each constraint, and if it passes, will skip the QP solver. |
3 | Shift previous solution vector | If the global minimum is not also the constrained minimum, then the previous solution vector, old_u , is shifted one step toward the future and used to warm start the QP Solver. |
4 | Solve QP for new solution | The QP Solver selected is then used to solve for a new solution vector. |