
Simulate a jNL model over one sample step.


[x,y] = sim(jNLobj,x0,u,Ts)


[x,y] = sim(jNLobj,x0,u,Ts) simulates the jNL object over the time horizon of 0 to Ts using a selected ODE solver. By default sim will use ode45, however as described below the user can customize this. x0 is passed to the ODE solver as the initial states for integration, while the input u is passed as a default parameter to the nonlinear function.

Numerical Integration Considerations

If your particular ODE system is more difficult (i.e. stiff, badly scaled) you may wish to try using a different ODE solver. If the jNL object has been linearized, you can specify the ODE solver to use for future simulations as part of the linearize arguments, or you can specify it using the SetSolver method of the jNL class.