Create a Simulation Environment for an MPC Simulation.


jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp)
jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist)
jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist,mdist)
jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist,mdist,noise)


jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp) creates a jSIM object which is used by jMPC/sim for running a simulation of your controller in a given simulation environment. In order to verify sizes & settings between the controller and simulation, the jMPC object must be built first, and passed to this function. The variable Plant can be a jSS or a jNL object, which represents the 'real' plant that you wish to control. This does not have to be the same as the controller model, but if it is a state space model, it must be sampled at the same rate. T is the length of the simulation (in samples) and setp is a matrix containing the setpoint at every sample specified by the length of T. Each column of setp is an individual output, while the rows are each sample. Note for constant setpoints it is possible to just enter the setpoint at sample 1 (as a row vector).

jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist) allows the user to specify a matrix of unmeasured input disturbances, as detailed in the disturbances section below. umdist follows the same conventions as setp, where each column is an input, and each row is a sample. Unmeasured disturbances are always specified as a delta value, such that they are added to the respective input / output.

jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist,mdist) allows the user to specify a matrix of measured input disturbances, as detailed in the section below. mdist follows the same conventions as above. Measured disturbances are always specified as an absolute value, such that they are used as the value applied directly to the plant.

jSIMobj = jSIM(jMPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist,mdist,noise) allows the user to specify a matrix of unmeasured output disturbances (measurement noise), as detailed in the section below. noise follows the same conventions as above. Unmeasured disturbances are always specified as a delta value, such that they are added to the respective input / output.

Adding Disturbances

You can currently add three types of disturbances to the simulation, unmeasured inputs and outputs, and measured inputs. Measured disturbances are modelled as part of the MPC problem, while unmeasured disturbances are not and thus must be corrected by a state estimator or embedded integrator.


Create a simulation scenario for a SISO plant with a time varying setpoint, as well as unmeasured input and output disturbances.

Gs = tf(2,[0.7 0.2 1]);
Ts = 0.1;
%Convert to Discrete
Gd = c2d(Gs,Ts);
%Create a jSS Object
Plant = jSS(Gd);

%Simulation Duration
T = 200;
setp = ones(T,1);
setp(75:150) = 0.5;
%Unmeasured Disturbances
umdist = zeros(T,1);
umdist(60:120) = -0.3;
noise = rand(T,1)/50;

%Create MPC object here...

%Create simulation options
simopts = jSIM(MPCobj,Plant,T,setp,umdist,[],noise);